Eye of Truth
Lobbyist Report for International Union of Operating Engineers

International Union of Operating Engineers



Lobbying on the following issues:


--H.R. 2740, Labor-HHS Appropriations Act, FY 2020, provision related to registered apprenticeships access to the federal excess property program through DOL and amendment in the appropriations process related to access of federal funds by apprenticeship programs that operate outside the system of registration. --H.R. 3055, Appropriations including Ag, Interior, Military-Construction, and Transportation-HUD, provisions related to California High Speed Rail the Transportation and Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act (TIFIA).


--H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. --H.R. 1327, Legislation to authorize the Victims Compensation Fund through 2090.


--Legislation to limit the scope of the 401 water quality certification by states under the Clean Water Act. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction.


--H.R. 2474, PRO Act, Protecting the Right to Organize Act, legislation to reform labor law. It would increase penalties on employers for violations of labor law, eliminate striker replacement, prohibit state laws that restrict union-security clauses. --H.R. 779 and S. 226, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act, legislation that exempts tribal enterprises from the National Labor Relations Act.


--Legislation designed to limit the scope of water quality certifications by the states under the Clean Water Act. --Water quality certifications have stopped pipeline projects around the United States. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction.


--H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. --Legislation to fund the Highway Trust Fund by raising the gas tax by 25-cents and indexing it to inflation. --H.R. 2541, BUILD Act, legislation to raise the volume cap on Private Activity Bonds for surface transportation. --BOLD Act, legislation to establish a Vehicle Miles Traveled tax on commercial vehicles, lower the gas tax, and more. The revenue proceeds would go to the Highway Trust Fund.


--Penny for Progress Act, legislation to raise nearly $500 billion by indexing the motor fuels tax, bonding for its proceeds, and depositing the resources in the Highway Trust Fund. --Senate Democrats Infrastructure Blueprint, conceptual framework and policy paper leading to legislation to invest $1-trillion in transportation, water, school, airport, and other infrastructure. --Legislation to lift volume cap on surface transportation-related Private Activity Bond --S. 146 and H.R. 1508, MOVE America Act, legislation to provide financing tools to the states and to support infrastructure of all kinds, including transportation --Re-authorization of the surface transportation law, FAST Act, which expires in October 2020.




Foreign Entities:

Foreign Entity Name :
Philip Morris Products S.A. (Parent Company is PMI)
Country :
Contribution :
Foreign Entity Name :
FTR Holdings S.A. (Parent Company is PMI)
Country :

Lobbying on the following issues:


--H.R. 2474, PRO Act, Protecting the Right to Organize Act, legislation to reform labor law. It would increase penalties on employers for violations of labor law, eliminate striker replacement, prohibit state laws that restrict union-security clauses. --H.R. 779 and S. 226, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act, legislation that exempts tribal enterprises from the National Labor Relations Act. --Draft rule to create new system of Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship outside the current regulatory structure for registered apprenticeship --H.R. 1497, Water Quality Improvement and Job Creation Act, legislation incorporating WIFIA provisions into a new RIFIA (Reclamation Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act) providing funding for water supply infrastructure including advance wastewater treatment. To include WIOA reporting metrics in workforce development title. --House companion to the Wind Workforce Modernization and Training Act of 2019 (S.2415), legislation establishing a grant program for workforce development of the wind industry. Expand impending house companion bill to include labor standards provisions and workforce development requirements for wind industry specifically WIOA reporting standards. -- S. 2657, American Energy Innovation Act of 2020, comprehensive energy package that combines over 50 bills that have passed through the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The bill covers a range of energy topics including carbon capture, wind energy, nuclear technologies, and mineral supplies for energy storage batteries. To clean up sections related to workforce development concerning union training programs as designated partners connect to registered apprenticeship.


--H.R. 3, Lower Drug Costs Now Act, legislation to regulate the cost of prescription drugs -- H.R. 6201, The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), legislation responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill guarantees free coronavirus testing, establishes paid leave, enhances Unemployment Insurance, expands food security initiatives, and increases federal Medicaid funding. -- H.R. 748 The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), legislation responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill provides direct payments to American households, expands unemployment insurance program, amends certain ERISA requirements, increased funding for state and local governments, public transportation sector, and relief for the airline industry. Provisions related to labor standards for construction.


Penny for Progress Act, legislation to raise nearly $500 billion by indexing the motor fuels tax, bonding for its proceeds, and depositing the resources in the Highway Trust Fund. --Senate Democrats Infrastructure Blueprint, conceptual framework and policy paper leading to legislation to invest $1-trillion in transportation, water, school, airport, and other infrastructure. --Legislation to lift volume cap on surface transportation-related Private Activity Bond --S. 146 and H.R. 1508, MOVE America Act, legislation to provide financing tools to the states and to support infrastructure of all kinds, including transportation --S. 2302, American Transportation Infrastructure Act, Reauthorization of the surface transportation law, FAST Act, which expires in October 2020. --S. 1992, A bill to amend FAST Act rescission of $7.6 billion per year in funding to the Highway Trust Fund -- S. 2310 and H.R. 5745, Bridge Investment Act, legislation to supplement new federal formula funding in an infrastructure package with the $20 billion to address the bridge repair backlog through the creation of a competitive grant program. -- Moving America and the Environment Forward the House Democrats Infrastructure Blueprint, conceptual framework and transformational policy priorities to invest $760 billion over five years in the nations roads, bridges, transit systems, railways, airports, ports, inland waterways, wastewater and drinking water systems, brownfields, and broadband. -- H.R. 748 The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), legislation responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill provides direct payments to American households, expands unemployment insurance program, amends certain ERISA requirements, increased funding for state and local governments, public transportation sector, and relief for the airline industry. The bill includes about $114 billion specifically for transportation through direct funding and loans/loan guarantees, along with several key provisions for transportation labor Provisions related to labor standards for construction.


--Legislation designed to limit the scope of water quality certifications by the states under the Clean Water Act. Water quality certifications have stopped pipeline projects around the United States. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction. --H.R. 5165, Innovative Energy Manufacturing Act of 2019, legislation promoting domestic job creation in clean energy industry providing tax credits for qualifying advanced energy projects, provisions related to labor standards and workforce development requirements for clean energy industry. --House companion to the Wind Workforce Modernization and Training Act of 2019 (S.2415), legislation establishing a grant program for workforce development of the wind industry. Expand impending house companion bill to include labor standards provisions and workforce development requirements for wind industry specifically WIOA reporting standards. -- S. 2657, American Energy Innovation Act of 2020, comprehensive energy package that combines over 50 bills that have passed through the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The bill covers a range of energy topics including carbon capture, wind energy, nuclear technologies, and mineral supplies for energy storage batteries. Provisions related to labor standards and wind industry. --H.R. 5165, Innovative Energy Manufacturing Act of 2019, legislation promoting domestic job creation in clean energy industry providing tax credits for qualifying advanced energy projects, provisions related to labor standards and workforce development requirements for clean energy industry. -- CLEAN Future Act, House Democratic proposal formally adopts the goal of achieving of a 100 percent clean economy by 2050 through industry specific initiatives. Provisions related to labor standards in clean energy industries. -- S. 383 and H.R. 1166, USE It Act, legislation to provide support for research on carbon utilization and direct air capture, clarifies that carbon dioxide pipelines and CCS projects meet eligibility requirements for streamlined permitting review under the FAST Act, and expedites CCS and CO2 pipeline development. Provisions related to labor standards in CCUS energy industry.


--Legislation to fund the Highway Trust Fund by raising the gas tax by 25-cents and indexing it to inflation. --H.R. 2541, BUILD Act, legislation to raise the volume cap on Private Activity Bonds for surface transportation. --BOLD Act, legislation to establish a Vehicle Miles Traveled tax on commercial vehicles, lower the gas tax, and more. The revenue proceeds would go to the Highway Trust Fund. --H.R. 5165, Innovative Energy Manufacturing Act of 2019, legislation promoting domestic job creation in clean energy industry providing tax credits for qualifying advanced energy projects, provisions related to labor standards and workforce development requirements for clean energy industry.


Legislation to limit the scope of the 401 water quality certification by states under the Clean Water Act. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction. --H.R. 1497, Water Quality Improvement and Job Creation Act, legislation incorporating WIFIA provisions into a new RIFIA (Reclamation Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act) providing funding for water supply infrastructure including advance wastewater treatment. -- S. 1932 and H.R. 2473, Drought and water supply infrastructure, legislation that provides funding for water management programs in rural communities including a competitive Grant Program for the Funding of Water Recycling and Reuse Projects, RIFIA pilot projects, a Water Infrastructure Fund, and a Water Technology Investment Program. -- S. 2657, American Energy Innovation Act of 2020, comprehensive energy package that combines over 50 bills that have passed through the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The bill covers a range of energy topics including carbon capture, wind energy, nuclear technologies, and mineral supplies for energy storage batteries. Provisions related to labor standards and wind industry. -- CLEAN Future Act, House Democratic proposal formally adopts the goal of achieving of a 100 percent clean economy by 2050 through industry specific initiatives. Provisions related to labor standards in clean energy industries. -- S. 383 and H.R. 1166, USE It Act, legislation to provide support for research on carbon utilization and direct air capture, clarifies that carbon dioxide pipelines and CCS projects meet eligibility requirements for streamlined permitting review under the FAST Act, and expedites CCS and CO2 pipeline development. Provisions related to labor standards in CCUS energy industry.


--H.R. 2740, Labor-HHS Appropriations Act, FY 2020, provision related to registered apprenticeships access to the federal excess property program through DOL and amendment in the appropriations process related to access of federal funds by apprenticeship programs that operate outside the system of registration. --H.R. 3055, Appropriations including Ag, Interior, Military-Construction, and Transportation-HUD, provisions related to California High Speed Rail the Transportation and Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act (TIFIA). --H.R. 1865, Appropriations including DOE, Interior, USACE and EPA, provisions related to Fossil Energy Research and Development, Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, and Water Infrastructure Finance & Innovation Act (WIFIA). --H.R. 2500 and S. 1215, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, appropriations for DOD, specifically workforce acquisition for military construction contractors and apprenticeship requirements.




Foreign Entities:

Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Tobacco Holdings (2007) Limited
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Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Brands PLC
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Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Brands Holdings International B.V.
Country :
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Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Tobacco Holdings (1) Limited
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Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Tobacco U.S. Holdings B.V.
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Imperial Tobacco Holdings (Netherlands) B.V.
Country :
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Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Tobacco Holdings Limited
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Imperial Tobacco Overseas Holdings (4) Limited
Country :
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Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Tobacco Overseas Holdings Limited Dutch Branch
Country :
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Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Tobacco Overseas Limited
Country :
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Foreign Entity Name :
Fontem Ventures B.V.
Country :

Contribution :
Foreign Entity Name :
Imperial Tobacco Limited
Country :
Contribution :

Lobbying on the following issues:


--H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. --H.R. 1327, Legislation to authorize the Victims Compensation Fund through 2090. --H.R. 3, Lower Drug Costs Now Act, legislation to regulate the cost of prescription drugs


--Legislation designed to limit the scope of water quality certifications by the states under the Clean Water Act. Water quality certifications have stopped pipeline projects around the United States. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction. --HR 5120, SAFER Pipelines Act, provisions related to criminal penalties for tampering with pipelines and Operator Qualification provisions. --S. 2415, Wind Workforce Modernization and Training Act of 2019, legislation establishing a grant program for workforce development of the wind industry. Expand impending house companion bill to include labor standards provisions and workforce development requirements for wind industry specifically WIOA reporting standards. --S. 2660, Wind Energy Research and Development Act of 2019, legislation that requires the DOE to establish a grant program to research, develop, evaluate, and commercialize wind energy technologies and systems. Provisions related to labor standards and wind industry. --H.R. 5165, Innovative Energy Manufacturing Act of 2019, legislation promoting domestic job creation in clean energy industry providing tax credits for qualifying advanced energy projects, provisions related to labor standards and workforce development requirements for clean energy industry.


--H.R. 2474, PRO Act, Protecting the Right to Organize Act, legislation to reform labor law. It would increase penalties on employers for violations of labor law, eliminate striker replacement, prohibit state laws that restrict union-security clauses. --H.R. 779 and S. 226, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act, legislation that exempts tribal enterprises from the National Labor Relations Act. --Draft rule to create new system of Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship outside the current regulatory structure for registered apprenticeship --United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade, particularly interested in dispute resolution methods and labor standards. --H.R. 1497, Water Quality Improvement and Job Creation Act, legislation incorporating WIFIA provisions into a new RIFIA (Reclamation Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act) providing funding for water supply infrastructure including advance wastewater treatment. To include WIOA reporting metrics in workforce development title. --H.R. 2500 and S. 1215, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, funding authority for DOD, specifically workforce acquisition for military construction contractors and apprenticeship requirements. Provisions related to labor standards on port infrastructure.


--Legislation to limit the scope of the 401 water quality certification by states under the Clean Water Act. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction. --H.R. 1497, Water Quality Improvement and Job Creation Act, legislation incorporating WIFIA provisions into a new RIFIA (Reclamation Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act) providing funding for water supply infrastructure including advance wastewater treatment.


--Penny for Progress Act, legislation to raise nearly $500 billion by indexing the motor fuels tax, bonding for its proceeds, and depositing the resources in the Highway Trust Fund. --Senate Democrats Infrastructure Blueprint, conceptual framework and policy paper leading to legislation to invest $1-trillion in transportation, water, school, airport, and other infrastructure. --Legislation to lift volume cap on surface transportation-related Private Activity Bond --S. 146 and H.R. 1508, MOVE America Act, legislation to provide financing tools to the states and to support infrastructure of all kinds, including transportation --S. 2302, American Transportation Infrastructure Act, Reauthorization of the surface transportation law, FAST Act, which expires in October 2020. --S. 1992, A bill to amend FAST Act rescission of $7.6 billion per year in funding to the Highway Trust Fund -- Road User Charge Advancement Act of 2019, legislation to increase the investment to study the use of vehicle miles traveled taxes and other user fee issues.


--H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. --Legislation to fund the Highway Trust Fund by raising the gas tax by 25-cents and indexing it to inflation. --H.R. 2541, BUILD Act, legislation to raise the volume cap on Private Activity Bonds for surface transportation. --BOLD Act, legislation to establish a Vehicle Miles Traveled tax on commercial vehicles, lower the gas tax, and more. The revenue proceeds would go to the Highway Trust Fund. --H.R. 5165, Innovative Energy Manufacturing Act of 2019, legislation promoting domestic job creation in clean energy industry providing tax credits for qualifying advanced energy projects, provisions related to labor standards and workforce development requirements for clean energy industry.


--H.R. 2740, Labor-HHS Appropriations Act, FY 2020, provision related to registered apprenticeships access to the federal excess property program through DOL and amendment in the appropriations process related to access of federal funds by apprenticeship programs that operate outside the system of registration. --H.R. 3055, Appropriations including Ag, Interior, Military-Construction, and Transportation-HUD, provisions related to California High Speed Rail the Transportation and Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act (TIFIA). --H.R. 1865, Appropriations including DOE, Interior, USACE and EPA, provisions related to Fossil Energy Research and Development, Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, and Water Infrastructure Finance & Innovation Act (WIFIA). --H.R. 2500 and S. 1215, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, appropriations for DOD, specifically workforce acquisition for military construction contractors and apprenticeship requirements.




Foreign Entities:

Foreign Entity Name:
Bharat Forge
Country :
Contribution :

Lobbying on the following issues:


H.R. 2050, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. H.R. 1846, legislation to fund the Highway Trust Fund by raising the gas tax and indexing it to inflation if there are no other options identified by commissions created in the bill to find other funding options.


Crane certification draft regulation and process at the OSHA at DOL. S. 140, H.R. 986 and S. 63, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act, legislation that would exempt the National Labor Relations Act from tribal operations on tribal lands. H.R. 1552, Fair and Open Competition Act, legislation to prohibit the use of Project Labor Agreements in construction procurement. S. 244 and H.R. 743, Davis-Bacon Repeal Act, legislation would eliminate the 1931 procurement law requiring the payment of prevailing wages on federally-assisted construction. H.R. 1042, Responsibility in Federal Contracting Act, legislation to change the survey method used by the Department of Labor to calculate prevailing wages for purposes of the Davis-Bacon Act.


H.R.1647, Water Infrastructure Fund Trust Act, legislation to create a dedicated revenue stream and segregated fund designed to support water infrastructure investments. H.R. 3387, Drinking Water System Improvement Act, legislation to reauthorize the Safe Drinking Water-State Revolving Fund program, provisions related to labor standards and funding levels. S. 2364, Securing Required Funding for Water Infrastructure Now (SRF-WIN Act), legislation that authorizes $200m annually into federal financial assistance to owners of water and wastewater projects. S. 3021, Americas Water Infrastructure Now Act, reauthorization of Water Resources legislation related to ports, harbors, and inland waterways. It included S. 2364 and H.R. 3387 in modified form in the enacted version. H.R. 3017, Brownfields Enhancement, Economic Redevelopment, and Reauthorization Act, and providing for consideration of the bill S. 3303 and H.R. 6889, Water Quality Certification Improvement Act of 2018, legislation designed to change the permitting process for 401 certifications under the Clean Water Act.


H.R. 1625, Omnibus Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2018, provision related to registered apprenticeships access to the federal excess property program through DOL in the Labor-HHS portion of the bill. Surface transportation investments in TIGER Grant, and the Capital Improvement Grants, and water investments like the State Revolving Funds in the Interior Appropriations Act.


H.R. 1664, Penny for Progress Act, legislation to raise nearly $500 billion by indexing the motor fuels tax, bonding for its proceeds, and depositing the resources in the Highway Trust Fund. Senate Democrats Infrastructure Blueprint, conceptual framework and policy paper leading to legislation to invest $1-trillion in transportation, water, school, airport, and other infrastructure. S. 846, Safe Bridges Act of 2017, a new program to authorize $2.75 billion annually into bridge projects around the country. S. 195, Transportation Investment Recalibration Equality Act (TIRE Act), legislation that eliminates the application of the prevailing-wage law to highway construction projects. H.R. 2997, 21st Century Air Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization Act, legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration, provisions related to construction, including the Airport Improvement Program and its associated labor standards S. 2279, Bridge Investment Act, legislation that authorizes an additional $75 billion investment over ten years in bridges. S. 3021, Americas Water Infrastructure Now Act, the authorization for the Water Resources Development Act


H.R. 2883, Promoting Cross-Border Infrastructure Act, legislation to transfer permitting responsibility from the State Department to FERC and eliminate the Presidential Permit process H.R. 2910, Promoting Inter-agency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act, legislation to require reporting and accountability from other agencies to FERC in permitting natural gas pipelines. H.R. 3905, Minnesotas Economic Rights in the Superior National Forest Act H.R. 3115, Superior National Forest Land Exchange Act of 2017, legislation to swap national forest land with land owned by a mining company in Minnesota. The land swap results in more wetlands, timber lands, shoreline access, national forest lands, and revenue to the federal treasury.


H.R. 1628, American Health Care Act, provisions related to the so-called Cadillac tax, the tax on high-cost health insurance premiums. The legislation delayed the taxs implementation.




Foreign Entities:

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Lobbying on the following issues:


Labor-HHS Appropriations Act, FY 2020, provision related to registered apprenticeships access to the federal excess property program through DOL. H.J. Res 31, funding the federal government for the balance of FY 2019.


Legislation to limit the scope of the 401 water quality certification by states under the Clean Water Act.


H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act.


H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. Legislation to fund the Highway Trust Fund by raising the gas tax and indexing it to inflation if there are no other options identified by commissions created in the bill to find other funding options.


Legislation designed to limit the scope of water quality certifications by the states under the Clean Water Act.


Penny for Progress Act, legislation to raise nearly $500 billion by indexing the motor fuels tax, bonding for its proceeds, and depositing the resources in the Highway Trust Fund. Senate Democrats Infrastructure Blueprint, conceptual framework and policy paper leading to legislation to invest $1-trillion in transportation, water, school, airport, and other infrastructure. Legislation to lift volume cap on surface transportation-related Private Activity Bond S. 146, MOVE America Act, legislation to provide financing tools to the states and to support infrastructure of all kinds, including transportation




Foreign Entities:

Foreign Entity Name :
Roivant Sciences Holdings Ltd.
Country :
Contribution :
Foreign Entity Name :
Roivant Sciences Ltd.
Country :
Contribution :

Lobbying on the following issues:


--H.R. 2740, Labor-HHS Appropriations Act, FY 2020, provision related to registered apprenticeships access to the federal excess property program through DOL and amendment in the appropriations process related to access of federal funds by apprenticeship programs that operate outside the system of registration. --H.R. 3055, Appropriations including Ag, Interior, Military-Construction, and Transportation-HUD, provisions related to California High Speed Rail the Transportation and Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act (TIFIA).


--Penny for Progress Act, legislation to raise nearly $500 billion by indexing the motor fuels tax, bonding for its proceeds, and depositing the resources in the Highway Trust Fund. --Senate Democrats Infrastructure Blueprint, conceptual framework and policy paper leading to legislation to invest $1-trillion in transportation, water, school, airport, and other infrastructure. --Legislation to lift volume cap on surface transportation-related Private Activity Bond --S. 146 and H.R. 1508, MOVE America Act, legislation to provide financing tools to the states and to support infrastructure of all kinds, including transportation --S. 2302, American Transportation Infrastructure Act, Reauthorization of the surface transportation law, FAST Act, which expires in October 2020. --S. 1992, A bill to amend FAST Act rescission of $7.6 billion per year in funding to the Highway Trust Fund


--H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. --Legislation to fund the Highway Trust Fund by raising the gas tax by 25-cents and indexing it to inflation. --H.R. 2541, BUILD Act, legislation to raise the volume cap on Private Activity Bonds for surface transportation. --BOLD Act, legislation to establish a Vehicle Miles Traveled tax on commercial vehicles, lower the gas tax, and more. The revenue proceeds would go to the Highway Trust Fund.


--Legislation to limit the scope of the 401 water quality certification by states under the Clean Water Act. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction.


--H.R. 2474, PRO Act, Protecting the Right to Organize Act, legislation to reform labor law. It would increase penalties on employers for violations of labor law, eliminate striker replacement, prohibit state laws that restrict union-security clauses. --H.R. 779 and S. 226, Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act, legislation that exempts tribal enterprises from the National Labor Relations Act. --Draft rule to create new system of Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship outside the current regulatory structure for registered apprenticeship


--H.R. 748, Excise tax on high-premium health care plans, Cadillac Tax legislation, legislation to eliminate the forty-percent excise tax on high-cost healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. --H.R. 1327, Legislation to authorize the Victims Compensation Fund through 2090. --H.R. 3, Lower Drug Costs Now Act, legislation to regulate the cost of prescription drugs


--Legislation designed to limit the scope of water quality certifications by the states under the Clean Water Act. Water quality certifications have stopped pipeline projects around the United States. --H.R. 2741, LIFT America Act, modernizing energy infrastructure and authorizing construction programs, including natural gas pipelines, drinking water, renewable energy, the energy grid, and energy-efficiency investments; provisions related to labor standards for construction.




Foreign Entities:

Foreign Entity Name:
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Money Spent:

Amount Client Government Entities


Jul 18, 2019



Transportation, Dept of (DOT)
Executive Office of the President (EOP)
Labor, Dept of (DOL)


Apr 20, 2020



Transportation, Dept of (DOT)
Executive Office of the President (EOP)
Labor, Dept of (DOL)


Jan 17, 2020



Transportation, Dept of (DOT)
Executive Office of the President (EOP)
Labor, Dept of (DOL)


Jan 22, 2019



Transportation, Dept of (DOT)
Executive Office of the President (EOP)
Labor, Dept of (DOL)


Apr 22, 2019



Transportation, Dept of (DOT)
Executive Office of the President (EOP)
Labor, Dept of (DOL)


Oct 21, 2019



Transportation, Dept of (DOT)
Executive Office of the President (EOP)
Labor, Dept of (DOL)