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United States Congress Votes on Bill HR6833
United States Congress Votes on HR6833

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House Votes

Sep 30 2022 - 1:01 pm

On Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment


Affordable Insulin Now Act

Result: Passed

Total votes
Yes: 230 No: 201 Absent: 2
Democrats voted Yes Republicans voted No
Yes: 220 No: 0 Absent: 1
Yes: 10 No: 201 Absent: 1
show tally of roll call vote 476 on HR6833

Mar 31 2022 - 5:47 pm

On Passage


Affordable Insulin Now Act

Result: Passed

Total votes
Yes: 232 No: 193 Absent: 6
Democrats voted Yes Republicans voted No
Yes: 220 No: 0 Absent: 1
Yes: 12 No: 193 Absent: 5
show tally of roll call vote 102 on HR6833

Mar 31 2022 - 5:35 pm

On Motion to Recommit


Affordable Insulin Now Act

Result: Failed

Total votes
Yes: 197 No: 225 Absent: 10
Democrats voted No Republicans voted Yes
Yes: 0 No: 219 Absent: 3
Yes: 197 No: 6 Absent: 7
show tally of roll call vote 101 on HR6833

Senate Votes

Sep 29 2022 - 10:01 am

On Passage of the Bill


A bill to amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to establish requirements with respect to cost-sharing for certain insulin products, and for other purposes.

Result: Bill Passed

Total votes
Yes: 72 No: 25 Absent: 3
Democrats voted Yes Republicans voted None
Yes: 48 No: 0 Absent: 0
Yes: 22 No: 25 Absent: 3
Independents voted
Yes: 2 No: 0 Absent: 0
show tally of roll call vote 351 on HR6833

Sep 27 2022 - 1:35 pm

On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed


A bill to amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to establish requirements with respect to cost-sharing for certain insulin products, and for other purposes.

Result: Cloture on the Motion to Proceed

Total votes
Yes: 72 No: 23 Absent: 5
Democrats voted Yes Republicans voted None
Yes: 48 No: 0 Absent: 0
Yes: 22 No: 23 Absent: 5
Independents voted
Yes: 2 No: 0 Absent: 0
show tally of roll call vote 349 on HR6833