Eye of Truth
United States Congress Votes on Bill HRES1518
United States Congress Votes on HRES1518

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House Votes

Dec 14 2022 - 2:04 pm

On Agreeing to the Resolution


Providing for consideration of the bills H.R. 1948, S. 3905, and S. 4003; providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill H.R. 1437; relating to consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill H.R. 2617; and for other purposes; and for other purposes

Result: Passed

Total votes
Yes: 216 No: 206 Absent: 9
Democrats voted Yes Republicans voted No
Yes: 216 No: 0 Absent: 2
Yes: 0 No: 206 Absent: 7
show tally of roll call vote 521 on HRES1518

Dec 14 2022 - 1:47 pm

On Ordering the Previous Question


Providing for consideration of the bills H.R. 1948, S. 3905, and S. 4003; providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill H.R. 1437; relating to consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill H.R. 2617; and for other purposes; and for other purposes

Result: Passed

Total votes
Yes: 212 No: 210 Absent: 9
Democrats voted Yes Republicans voted No
Yes: 212 No: 0 Absent: 6
Yes: 0 No: 210 Absent: 3
show tally of roll call vote 520 on HRES1518

Senate Votes