Eye of Truth
District of Columbia members of the US House of Representatives:

District of Columbia members of the US House of Representatives:

Congressman Eleanor Holmes Norton
Next Election: 2024
Eleanor Holmes Norton
District of Columbia

District: 0
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Latest Announcements:

Nov 8 2022 - 1:59 PM

Success Stories

Nov 8 2022 - 1:58 PM

Congresswoman Norton's Weekly eNewsletter


Latest Votes:

Jun 28 2024

Voted No On Agreeing to the Amendment on HR8774

Titus of Nevada Part A Amendment No. 171

Jun 28 2024

Voted No On Agreeing to the Amendment on HR8774

Tenney of New York Part A Amendment No. 164

see all votes

Recently Sponsored Bills:

hr8948 - Jul 8 2024

To amend title 18, United States Code, to limit the ability to assess a fee for health care services for prisoners, and for other purposes.

hr8867 - Jun 27 2024

To amend the REAL ID Act of 2005 to allow States to determine whether to require licenses and other identification to list a gender or sex, and for other purposes.

hr8595 - Jun 3 2024

To provide for supplemental appropriations to increase the number of Americorps members and to increase the living allowances of such members, and for other purposes.

hr8577 - May 28 2024

To create a national commission to combat workplace sexual harassment, and for other purposes.

hr8505 - May 22 2024

To amend title 49, United States Code, to expand the authority of the Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to assess penalties for violations of laws and regulations relating to the shipping of household goods, and for other purposes.

Campaign Finance Summary:

Contributions: $240,835
Individual $66,835
PAC & SuperPac $104,000
Disbursements: $215,798
Individual Refunds $0
Committee Refunds $0
Debts Owed $50,000
Cash on Hand $62,458

view full campaign finance report

view fec.gov data

Confirmed & Pending Nominations in District of Columbia