Eye of Truth
Maryland members of the US Senate

Maryland members of the US Senate

Congressman Benjamin L. Cardin
Next Election: 2024
Benjamin L. Cardin

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Latest Announcements:


Latest Votes:

Jul 10 2024

Voted Yes On the Nomination on PN1357

Anne Marie Wagner, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years expiring July 1, 2029

Jul 10 2024

Voted Yes On the Cloture Motion on PN1357

Anne Marie Wagner, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years expiring July 1, 2029

see all votes

Recently Sponsored Bills:

s4647 - Jul 9 2024

A bill to require the transfer of regulatory control of certain munitions exports from the Department of Commerce to the Department of State, and for other purposes.

sres743 - Jun 20 2024

A resolution reaffirming the importance of the United States promoting the safety, health, and well-being of refugees and displaced persons in the United States and around the world.

s4469 - Jun 5 2024

A bill to improve the understanding of, and promote access to treatment for, chronic kidney disease, and for other purposes.

sres715 - Jun 3 2024

A resolution remembering the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, and condemning the widespread repression against citizens, the transnational repression against activists and other individuals, and the systematic efforts to undermine human rights norms within and outside of the United States system by the People's Republic of China.

sres688 - May 15 2024

A resolution recognizing widening threats to freedom of the press and free expression around the world, reaffirming the vital role that a free and independent press plays in combating the growing threats of authoritarianism, misinformation, and disinformation, and reaffirming freedom of the press as a priority of the United States Government in promoting democracy, human rights, and good governance in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day on May 3, 2024.

Campaign Finance Summary:

Contributions: $29,333
Individual $3,118
PAC & SuperPac $18,500
Disbursements: $230,504
Individual Refunds $23,600
Committee Refunds $29,900
Debts Owed $0
Cash on Hand $817,117

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Congressman Chris  Van Hollen
Next Election: 2028
Chris Van Hollen

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Latest Announcements:


Latest Votes:

Jul 10 2024

Voted Yes On the Cloture Motion on PN1357

Anne Marie Wagner, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years expiring July 1, 2029

Jul 10 2024

Voted Yes On the Nomination on PN1355

Charles J. Willoughby, Jr., of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of fifteen years, William ...

see all votes

Recently Sponsored Bills:

s4371 - May 21 2024

A bill to amend the Investor Protection and Securities Reform Act of 2010 to provide grants to States for enhanced protection of senior investors and senior policyholders, and for other purposes.

s3844 - Feb 29 2024

A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to reduce the number of members of the Federal Election Commission from 6 to 5, to revise the method of selection and terms of service of members of the Commission, to distribute the powers of the Commission between the Chair and the remaining members, and for other purposes.

s3843 - Feb 29 2024

A bill to amend chapters 95 and 96 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to reform the system of public financing for Presidential election campaigns, and for other purposes.

s5338 - Dec 21 2022

A bill to cap the emissions of greenhouse gases through a requirement to purchase carbon permits, to distribute the proceeds of such purchases to eligible individuals, and for other purposes.

s5154 - Nov 30 2022

A bill to promote the African Continental Free Trade Area, and for other purposes.

Campaign Finance Summary:

Contributions: $219,936
Individual $137,623
PAC & SuperPac $28,000
Disbursements: $444,009
Individual Refunds $1,000
Committee Refunds $0
Debts Owed $2,210
Cash on Hand $2,006,052

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Confirmed & Pending Nominations in Maryland